Slowing Down & Thinking with Your Heart

Slowing Down & Thinking with Your Heart

As a child growing up in a home suffused with trauma, life always felt uneasy – like something bad was about to happen. Always. This ever-present fear often got expressed through impatience, rushing, and urgency. It was a defense against instability and...
Yoga as a Bridge Between Mental & Physical Health

Yoga as a Bridge Between Mental & Physical Health

So often, we talk about “mental health” as though it were somehow separate from physical health; as though the mind could be separated from the rest of the body and dealt with in isolation, largely through talk therapy. Yet the reality is that mental states manifest...
What Often Gets Lost in the Debate over Fidget Spinners

What Often Gets Lost in the Debate over Fidget Spinners

Fidget spinners have been around since at least the early 1990s, maybe even earlier. Now, though, they’re A Thing – and a subject of occasionally furious debate. Some insist that they help kids with attention deficits stay focused in the classroom. Others say they’re...

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