How Yoga Can Help Your Child Become Calm, Controlled, Disciplined, and Happier

by | Jan 16, 2009 | Workshops, Yoga Calm

by Lyn McCallister, via Associated Content

Children can sometimes be unfocused and a bit wild. Sometimes these children cannot concentrate and have a difficult time in school despite being bright and eager to learn.
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Your child may even have a behavior disorder. Sound familiar? If your child fits this description, it might be because he or she needs a physical outlet to help learn internal calmness and control.

I begin taking yoga in my early 30s in an effort to become more flexible and to help stretch for cardio exercise. After taking yoga classes with an excellent teacher, Jim Gillen, through a work program I learned to have my own inward control. I felt better after class and seemed to be more productive at work. I also slept better.

How Does Yoga Help Children?

Just like yoga helped me as an adult, the same principles of calmness and relaxation can help children. I have a few friends with young children who are enrolled in other, more aggressive forms of exercise. Although the exercise is good and some of the programs are great, not all children benefit from rough-and-tough group sports. Some children will thrive by taking yoga and may become more calm, controlled, and self-disciplined.

Where Can I Find Out More About Children’s Yoga?

I recommend checking out Jim and Lynea Gillen’s program called Yoga Calm. If your child suffers from anxiety problems, ADHD, or other behavior disorders then this system may work for you. They have a book that you can purchase for a home program. Or, better yet, check out their website to see if they will be teaching a workshop near you.

If you live in the Portland, Oregon area, then Jim and Lynea have a studio that you can visit.

If there are multiple children at your child’s school that can benefit, work with the school to see if they can bring a Yoga Calm workshop to your community.

Next, visit several local yoga studios and check out their offerings for children. If the yoga studio doesn’t have a class for children, ask them to become certified instructors in the Yoga Calm method.

Children today often spend way too much time in front of televisions and gaming systems. By offering your child a regular yoga practice schedule, you can help your child overcome many behavior obstacles while becoming healthier. Yoga is for everyone. A good teacher can help you or your child overcome many physical limitations as well as become a more calm and focused individual.
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