Yoga Calm Blog

Standardized Testing Can’t Measure What Matters

Standardized Testing Can’t Measure What Matters

Quick: What’s the difference between No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top? Not much. As Diane Ravitch notes in a powerful and insightful essay in the New York Review of Books, both are part of what Pasi Sahlberg calls “the Global Education Reform Movement,” or...

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The Happiness Contagion

The Happiness Contagion

Pay it Backward Have you ever had a stranger help you from out of the blue? Our good friend Don was recently thinking about the quality of empathy and what it would be like to receive such a random act of kindness. So on his way to work one day, while ordering coffee...

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How to Treat ADHD Effectively? Pills, Skills & Love

How to Treat ADHD Effectively? Pills, Skills & Love

Joseph, a five year old boy diagnosed with ADHD, was making good progress in yoga class at school. He was coming to friendship group once a week, and his mom and dad were working with me [Lynea] on parenting skills. For Joseph, change came slowly but consistently. He...

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Where Physical Yoga & Principles Meet

Where Physical Yoga & Principles Meet

One of the most indelible and defining moments in my training to become a yoga teacher began with a loud POP! At first, I thought it was my classmate’s back adjusting as our instructor led her into an advanced pose, but the look on her face said, “This is serious.”...

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Resolutions vs. Gratitude

Resolutions vs. Gratitude

My first yoga class of the year is always a big one – as many as 50 people squeezing into a small space, each wanting to start off the new year right. And usually, I ask my students about their “resolutions.” This year, though, was a bit unusual – not only for them...

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Taking Care of Holiday Stress

Taking Care of Holiday Stress

It’s that time of year again. Despite nature’s call to slow down and hibernate, we tend to speed up and do more. Holiday commitments, family travels, the end of school terms and corporate years, shopping, family expectations and dynamics – it all adds up to a lot of...

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Yoga Calm for Halloween? Try the Archetype Game

Yoga Calm for Halloween? Try the Archetype Game

Holidays stir up the imagination, especially for kids and especially around Halloween. Of course, that day is all about dressing up and pretending to be someone – or something – that you’re not. The practice can be traced back to ancient pagan, Celtic, Roman and...

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