Heading into the holiday season, I find my thoughts going back several years to a party I attended at the elementary school where I worked as a counselor. Each of the 32 students contributed some kind of food. There were large bottles of soda, big bags of chips and...
A guest post by Certified Yoga Calm Instructor Jeff Albin Part 1 Part 2 The detention officer bursts through the conference room door at exactly the same time the voice of CONTROL blares over the intercom: “MR ALBIN WHAT ARE YOU THROWING AT THE RESIDENTS?” The...
A guest post by Certified Yoga Calm Instructor Jeff Albin – Read Part 1 here The sounds of Foghat’s “Slow Ride” echoing through the claustrophobic halls at the detention center would be the first clue that this is not your mother’s yoga...
A guest post by Certified Yoga Calm Instructor Jeff Albin Deputies and probation officers have been driving through the gates of Norcor (Northern Oregon Corrections) for over 10 years now. For them, it is an old routine. Nothing new greets the eye as they press the...
First time isn’t always a charm, but failures often bring blessings in their wake. For instance, the first time we offered a training in Colorado, low enrollment forced us to cancel. But one who had registered offered to help us try again. An occupational therapist...
The average American child now spends over 8 hours in front of a screen each day. She emails, texts, and updates her status incessantly. He can name hundreds of corporate logos, but less than ten native plants. She aspires to have hundreds of online friends, most she...