When I was a young teacher, I was given some good advice by a mentor: Start off the year firm. You can always loosen up. But if you start too loose, you will have a hard time getting the classroom under control later. It took some practice to become very precise and...
With so much to do at the beginning of the school year and so much going on, it’s easy for school staff to get distracted with all the administrative details, exigencies and logistics of just getting classrooms together. But experienced teachers and counselors know...
Research shows that children who are bullied often carry a posture and a story of victimization. Trauma, low self-esteem, learning disabilities and obesity also can set up a child for ridicule and rejection. As we’ve noted before, such children begin to walk and talk...
As a new school year gets underway, we re-post these tips from a couple years back to help you get the year off to a positive start… Parents and teachers know how important establishing routines is for healthy child development, but the shift from summer fun to...
by Lynn Hernandez, school principal and Certified Yoga Calm Youth Instructor After attending Yoga Calm training last February I was so excited about the possibilities at my school for both students and staff. I knew that these mindful movement activities would help...
At first glance, it’s a hard statistic to believe – that by the time they reach high school, 63% of kids are no longer physically active. But consider some of the barriers that either didn’t exist or were much less common for children just one or two generations ago:...