With the promise of summer break is in sight, you may find yourself already thinking of ways you can rejuvenate yourself, while also developing new skills and strategies for managing your stress once the next academic year begins. It’s one reason we often hear people...
Safety drills have long been a part of education here in the US – from the fire drills we’re all familiar with to those particular to a region, such as earthquake drills in California or tornado drills in Nebraska. And these days – for better and worse – we have...
By Lynea Gillen I recently led a yoga class for a family that has been involved in Yoga Calm for several years now. About halfway through, one of the older girls who hadn’t practiced in a while quietly said, “It’s good to be back.” Her mother smiled. Yes, it is good...
How do you remember your high school years? If you’re like most, your memories are mixed. Some may be beautiful. Others? Not so good. Accomplishments. Hurt. Fun times. Feeling like an outsider. Pride. Pressure. Even in best cases, teenage years are hard. And today’s...
Another year, another testing season…though now with some welcome (if long-overdue) gestures toward “right-sizing” testing, most notably the Every Student Succeeds Act. This legislation, wrote Laura Moser earlier this month on Slate, seriously dialed back the emphasis...
Guest post by kids’ yoga teacher Colleen Cash Picture this: You’re zipping down the road, singing along with your favorite tune, when a car cuts you off. In that split second, how does your body respond? Most drivers would be able to identify the breath...