Electronic Media and the Battle for Our Minds

Electronic Media and the Battle for Our Minds

When was the last time you had an hour – an hour without distractions – just to think about things? Or even a half hour? Fifteen minutes? As I write this blog, instant messages flash up on my second monitor while my printer churns out workshop handouts and my cell...

The New Year, Chaos & Beauty

Update of post originally published January 12, 2009   As 2009 winds down, we look to the beginning of 2010. As with all transitions, the end of a cycle presents an interesting challenge. It’s a rich time for reflection but also a potential trap for...

Focusing that Wild Halloween Energy

Originally published October 31, 2008   Halloween can be a wonderful time for children to explore their imaginations. Or, as many teachers and parents can attest, it can be a nightmare of sugar-fueled over-excitement and big emotions. There’s nothing wrong...
10 Tips for Better Sleep

10 Tips for Better Sleep

  sean dreilinger/Flickr In our book Yoga Calm for Children we write: When we rest, the body heals and the mind and body integrate experiences. Rest allows us to reflect on the day and notice the effects of our activities on our emotions, mind, and body. In rest,...
Bucking Back to School Stress

Bucking Back to School Stress

Children are so perceptive, so often aware of things that we “grownups” may not be tuned into. They know when something is wrong. They may not be able to say what it is or why it is, but they pick up on our attitudes, feelings and values. It’s one of the...

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