Introduction to Yoga Calm

Introduction to Yoga Calm

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[fruitful_ibox column=”ffs-two-one” last=”true” icon=”none” styleicon=”none” styletext=”text-align:left”]Yoga Calm is an innovative fusion of physical yoga, social-emotional learning activities, counseling techniques & mindfulness practice. Yoga Calm helps children develop emotional resiliency, leadership, communication skills, focus and self-control. The implementation of Yoga Calm in schools has been proven to improve behavior in & out of the classroom, increase academic achievement, and help students regulate harsh emotions. DownloadButton_starterkit[/fruitful_ibox]

Yoga Calm Certification

Yoga Calm’s Certification Program was developed for teachers, counselors, health professionals and families for both personal & professional growth. The program provides the training, practice and guidance to implement Yoga Calm in school, at home and in therapeutic settings. Our Accredited program has the option for online or in-person courses as well as countless membership & community benefits.


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