Not long after I’d begun work as a counselor in a high poverty, high trauma school, I played a social/emotional game with a group of students in which I’d ask questions to get them thinking. “What would you do if you found $10,000?” I asked the children. Having come...
The other day, we noticed that our “Focusing Fun” segment from the Flying Eagle DVD – a demonstration of a simple game to practice focus – has now been seen by almost a million people. One million! Clearly, folks are looking for help with addressing ADHD symptoms...
Originally posted August 2, 2015 We’ve looked before at the relationship between physical activity and cognitive skills. The short version, as brain scientist John Medina has noted, is that our brains developed to work best while we’re moving in an outdoor...
Fidget spinners have been around since at least the early 1990s, maybe even earlier. Now, though, they’re A Thing – and a subject of occasionally furious debate. Some insist that they help kids with attention deficits stay focused in the classroom. Others say they’re...
Just because school is ending for the year doesn’t mean that learning stops. Silent Ball, included in our Online Certification Bundle, is a fun game kids can play outdoors (or in) to develop executive function skills that are critical for learning and self-control....
We often receive emails and phone calls from teachers and counselors asking us, “How do I bring the benefits of yoga and mindfulness to the youth I serve?” The answer is simple, but not always easy to do: Start with yourself. As educators and counselors we know that...