This Summer, Relax, Renew & Refresh with Yoga Calm

One of the things we often hear from people who take our workshops is how surprised they are to learn so much in two days while leaving the workshop refreshed and relaxed. What’s the secret? It’s no secret at all to education researchers who have found that active...
Yoga in the Classroom Makes a Difference

Yoga in the Classroom Makes a Difference

One of the main questions administrators ask when the prospect of integrating yoga into the curriculum comes up is, “Why?” by which they’re typically wanting to know how yoga connects with an academic mission and what the benefits of that connection...
Michelle Obama Says, “Let’s Move” – We Agree

Michelle Obama Says, “Let’s Move” – We Agree

Last month, we looked at how the distraction brought on by electronic media and multitasking can cause problems for kids – things like lower grades, mood swings and more behavioral issues. But it’s not just about mental distraction. There’s a physical...

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