We love hearing from people about how they’re using Yoga Calm with kids and the difference is makes!
Most recently, we heard from Cynthia Wilson, a counselor at Fair Oaks Elementary in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, north of the Twin Cities. Last fall, the whole school did a comprehensive training: staff training followed by a Residency program in which Yoga Calm trainers go into the classrooms to work with teachers individually. Several staff took our Wellness 1-3 training, as well.
Recently, Fair Oaks’ third graders led the All School Meeting, which included all students. It began in silence, with Cynthia demonstrating belly breathing with a very large Hoberman sphere. She did a couple breaths, then put it down and did breathing with her hands.
“The whole assembly joined me,” she wrote, “and got quiet. It was magical.”
Once the assembly got underway, the third graders shared a video about their work with Yoga Calm.
Yoga Calm Trainer Kathy Flaminio, who led the trainings with their school, says, THIS is why we do what we do:
Cynthia also reported that they now intend to start every All School Meeting with student-led breathing with the sphere.
We know from other counselors and teachers just how powerful group breathing can be. It helps foster and sustain a sense of community among students, faculty and staff alike. It creates a positive, calm atmosphere that carries into the academic day.
Find out now how your school can arrange for a customized staff training, check out our online courses now or view our complete training calendar.