Becoming Mindful of Mindfulness

Becoming Mindful of Mindfulness

We live in a world of buzz and hum, light and noise, constant motion. We’re constantly multitasking and living in future tense. We’re bombarded with information, both through electronic media and the physical environment which seems ever more crowded and...
Bucking Back to School Stress

Bucking Back to School Stress

Children are so perceptive, so often aware of things that we “grownups” may not be tuned into. They know when something is wrong. They may not be able to say what it is or why it is, but they pick up on our attitudes, feelings and values. It’s one of the...
Back-to-School Time Is Great Yoga Time

Back-to-School Time Is Great Yoga Time

Summertime is important to teachers with nearly three months off to recover from the school year and renew yourself. Some pursue personal and professional enrichment activities. Others take up summer teaching, whether by choice or necessity. Many will travel or just...

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