Yoga Calm Blog

Caring for Others by Caring for Ourselves

Caring for Others by Caring for Ourselves

Having worked in and with the educational world for many decades now, I know just how tirelessly committed to their students teachers are - and how much stress they take on. After our Summer Intensives, more than a few would comment on how much they needed the...

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Giving Thanks Connects Us, Even When Distanced

Giving Thanks Connects Us, Even When Distanced

Whether you observe Thanksgiving or not, it’s instructive to note that the modern national holiday was born in a time even more divisive, contentious, and uncertain than our own - and that it came to be in no small part thanks to the efforts of a woman named Sarah...

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Healing Around the World

Healing Around the World

Some things seem meant to be. What happened had to happen and couldn’t have happened any other way. When RJ Swanson, founder of New Hope for Children, contacted Lynea about sharing the practice of TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) with children in Africa,...

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Presence & Intent in a Virtual World

Presence & Intent in a Virtual World

One thing that saddened me during my years as a school counselor was how many students carried around negative stories about the world. They believed the world was full of bad guys; that people were out to get them. They also felt bad about themselves. Often, they...

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Re-imagining Education in a COVID World

Re-imagining Education in a COVID World

The 6th grade students at the Outdoor School were looking at the results of water samples they had just taken when a great blue heron landed in a tree above our heads. All the children turned to gaze at it, their eyes huge with excitement. What is that? they wanted to...

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We Can Make a Better Post-Pandemic World, Part 3

We Can Make a Better Post-Pandemic World, Part 3

Read Part 1 Read Part 2 Originally, our last post marked the end of this series, but the ongoing fight for justice that the death of George Floyd inspired has kept us thinking about what more we can do to create a healthier world for us all. Certainly, there’s a lot...

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We Can Make a Better Post-Pandemic World, Part 2

We Can Make a Better Post-Pandemic World, Part 2

Read Part 1 here Committing to Soft Skill Development & Emotional Support When the Great Recession hit in 2008, people had less money to buy things. The focus shifted from consumption to quality of life and experiences. We began to understand how true happiness...

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