Yoga Calm Blog

Gratitude. It’s Not Just for Thanksgiving

Gratitude. It’s Not Just for Thanksgiving

Lynea had just finished helping a student lead her second grade peers through our Hoberman Sphere breathing process, followed by the Compliment Game. “What are three reasons why we give compliments to each other?” she asked the class. “It makes the other person feel...

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Move to Learn, Heal, & Thrive

Move to Learn, Heal, & Thrive

Although summertime still means a lot of screen time for kids, a recent Pew Research Center survey delivered some great news: screen usage is down and physical activity is up. But it also points to a challenge most every teacher faces once the new school year begins:...

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No Snowflakes: Youth Leadership in Action

No Snowflakes: Youth Leadership in Action

Since Jim is an avid cycling fan, he’s spent the past month following the Tour de France – a race made even more challenging this year by a brutal heat wave, hazardous weather, and landslides that forced a change in course. With such conditions, you might think that...

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Yoga Calm: 20 Years of Educating Heart, Mind, & Body

Yoga Calm: 20 Years of Educating Heart, Mind, & Body

Twenty years can seem ages ago. It was a time of Pokemon fever, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? madness, and the dominance of boy bands, Britney Spears, and Ricky Martin. The US women’s soccer team won the World Cup in amazing fashion, much as this year’s team did. But...

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Exploring New Worlds with Our Digital Natives

Exploring New Worlds with Our Digital Natives

We’ve noticed that our granddaughter has reached the age where friendship skills are very important. She’s been asking us questions about friendships, conflicts, boys and girls, and other things that come along with developing a social self. As many parents know,...

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