How to Bring Yoga & Mindfulness to Your Classroom

How to Bring Yoga & Mindfulness to Your Classroom

Bringing Mindfulness to the K-5 Classroom “Imagine that your mind is a television,” I told the small group of students I was visiting at the rural Oregon school where I worked as a counselor. “And you have a remote.” I then asked them to change to a sad channel and...
How Mindfulness Can Help Your Kids Thrive

How Mindfulness Can Help Your Kids Thrive

This post was originally published on Parent Herald. It’s a big developmental step when a child begins to realize that they can control their thoughts and feelings. They begin to understand how what we think affects how we feel and what we do. This is a skill I’ve...
Body-Based Therapies for Stress, Trauma and PTSD

Body-Based Therapies for Stress, Trauma and PTSD

Since the New York Times Magazine’s feature on noted trauma researcher Bessel van der Kolk a couple years ago, somatic (body-based) approaches to stress and trauma have continued to move to the fore. In a world where exposure and cognitive therapies are still thought...
Teaching EQ, Not IQ

Teaching EQ, Not IQ

Some conversations, you never forget – like the one I once had with my brother-in-law David. “It’s really hard to find and hire good employees,” he said. And it wasn’t finding people with good work experience or smarts that was the problem. At that time, David was the...

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