What to Make of the Mindfulness Backlash?

What to Make of the Mindfulness Backlash?

Considering how popular mindfulness has become, it’s no surprise that we’ve begun to hear more people challenging it. Some simply caution against all the hype and the idea that mindfulness is some kind of cure-all. Others slam it as just another superficial self-help...
Yoga as a Bridge Between Mental & Physical Health

Yoga as a Bridge Between Mental & Physical Health

So often, we talk about “mental health” as though it were somehow separate from physical health; as though the mind could be separated from the rest of the body and dealt with in isolation, largely through talk therapy. Yet the reality is that mental states manifest...
4 Ways to Bring More Mindfulness to Yourself & Your Kids

4 Ways to Bring More Mindfulness to Yourself & Your Kids

“When I had my son, I knew how I didn’t want to raise him,” a mother we know recently told us. She didn’t want to parent as she had been parented. She didn’t want to repeat the patterns of her own past. “At the same time, I didn’t know how I did want to raise him,”...

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